Jaspers' spot on the internets :)

Expanded About section. Wrist is feeling better, might start working on assets sometime soon

Carpal tunnel :( not much work is being done. The half-done crowsor is eating at me, alas i can't draw.

Greatly expanded my music page; added navigation for it. It's not the way i would like it to look eventually, and there is some music i'd like to eventually download and host myself (all of it, really, but the music that isn't on bandcamp is most important), but it will do for now.
HELL YEA BABY!!! PORTRAIT TIME!! proudly stating that zero photoshop and 100% code was used when putting the frame around my wonderful visage. ALSO ! died 2022 born 2024 welcome back crow cursor. I will animate it and expand it to all cursor forms

Finally making big progress on ironing out a layout//cleaning up what code i already had. It feels like i've done so little and yet the spaghetti accumulates invisibly. Broke everything to smithereens while working but it seems to be coming back together, and in better shape than ever - both outwardly and in the code. It did seem to break the mobile navbar again... sigh. Oh well, i'll fix it some other time. Nevermind, fixed! Also - pet pen added :)

new: making big progress with the layout! its much better on mobile, and im starting to get how to get the results i want from it. I expect to get a good layout soon, which will make expanding the site much easier.

Guestbook added! I'd still like to migrate to a private one without the use of third party services in the future, but that can wait for a bit :)
also: music page. Bandcamp embeds turned out to be much simpler than i thought, so i put some stuff in there - rudimentary, but you can enjoy some tunes. subject to expansion and change.

ello my name is Jas!
this website is very very much WIP, but i'm learning a ton and its coming together nicely, i think :) It's going a bit slow and is held by ductape in places, but i'm also trying to tidy it up as i go and have it work semi-well on mobile all at once, so it is what it is. I feel though like i'm on the verge of having a good base made and being able to move on to decorations and flourish :)

Here are some things i want to add in the future:

  • Fill out my about me pages. Get some pixels with flags and emblems and such
  • Make navigation in music page work
  • Start looking into theme switchers
  • Whip up/find more silly assets. I'd like a centipede for a footer, for example. ORRR as a divider!! oohh...
  • once carpal tunnel tones down, make a favicon and finish crowsor. Add cursor effect?
  • Style tooltips and scrollbars
  • Rework home page (this one! :} ). Maybe provide an overview of what there is to do and see here?
  • FIGURE OUT HOW TO MAKE STUFF DRAGGABLE omg i love dragging pictures so much i love it when sites do that. I want that for me
  • a guestbook! although i think i'd prefer to host and format it differently from how it is now. very, very much subject to change, but feel free to leave a message! I'll be sure to archive them in the future :)

up next: scribble up a favicon, maybe a few buttons or other assets. a home button? Make dud pages for all the sections. Start filling out with something simple like pets. Update cookbook

a stylized digital portrait of a joyful creature resembling a corvid, with dog-like ears, navy feathers and big, wide yellow eyes on a green background. It is framed by a photo of an ornate gold-and-black frame.

aka Cecil/Sylph
they/them, adult

Say hi to bogbug :)